Sunday, February 24, 2013

getting to know the Lays

Welcome!  This is all very new to me, so it may take a while for me to get the hang of things. I have been wanting to get in on the blogger world for a while now, and I'm happy I'm finally getting around to it! My husband and I have been married for almost three years in June.  We have three high maintenance dogs. Lou, a three year old pomeranian, and two english bulldogs, Matilda (4) and Elphaba (5). Yes, like the witch from Wicked. I'm impressed if you knew that.  Brock (the husband) is a graphic designer, and has a pretty bad ass Etsy shop, . Check. It. Out.  I have been a hairdresser for almost 9 years.  Whoa, thats weird to say. Or type. Whichever.  I love my job, and I'm so happy that I don't mind getting out of bed and going to the salon everyday.  Even though, to be honest, I don't love getting out of bed.  I love sleep.  Luckily for me, so do my overweight lazy bulldogs.  In my spare time, when I am awake,  I have become mildly obsessed with interior design, and I truly believe that in a past life that was my profession.  I can not get enough of every home design magazine out there, and Pinterest literally takes my obsession to a whole new level.  We bought our second home together in April of 2012, and have been working non stop trying to rid the house of the 80's feel ever since.  I actually love it more than I can explain.  I love the crazy, stressful, expensive, rewarding process of it all...even though it will be a tiny wee bit longer until we are finished. (and by 'tiny wee bit' I mean forever) 

Elphie, the one on the right, has a never ending bit of paint on her.  She is very helpful and curious when it comes to ANYTHING we are doing around the house.  She is constantly in the way, with a screw, paintbrush,  or whatever piece of hardware we are frantically searching for, in her mouth.  She especially loves chewing on the many painters tape rolls we have hanging around the house.  Matilda, (left) is the total opposite, and is scared of every noise, paper, new person, she comes in contact with.  Lou, the pom, just goes with the flow, loves barking at her duck friends that have made our pool their nightly hang out, and can never ever get enough to eat.  These lucky ladies are our children.  For now. At least until we don't have screws, paintbrushes, and painters tape thrown around the house.